Need to get something done in your business, but you’re stuck?

By Eric L. Byrd

Reinventing Your Business Workbook (Second Edition)

A step-by-step method for taking positive action to grow your business. 

Do you have things you know you need to do… but you just can’t seem to get them started? Or you start but fizzle out?

In this book you’ll discover a unique, step-by-step method to start taking action again. Whether you need to focus on one project, or manage multiple projects, you’ll learn a simple step-by-step process to get unstuck.

Author, speaker, coach, podcast host

Eric L. Byrd

Eric has been telling stories of one kind or another for over 30 years. As an editor, producer and writer in television after college, as a salesperson for over 20 years in the video technology and IT world and as a business trainer, then coach, since 2010. During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic created the Reinventing Your Business Workbook to guide small businesses in surviving the pandemic downturn. Later that year he also launched the Reinventing Your Business Podcast to inspire those same businesses by sharing their stories of resilience and creativity.

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